Friday, July 22, 2011

Daily love quotes

but now under the circustances our relationship just can be friendly and maybe it´s ok with me cuz I don´t have more options and I prefer to have you like a friend that don´t having you at all. So I know that anytime that you need me I will be there and I hope you be there 4me 2!!!
(this is killing me inside cuz the only reason for this stupid conclusion is the long distance between us that is 6 hours on plane and hundres of miles!!! :( )
that kind of things on life make you realice that you need more than love to maintain a realationship...
that is why you need to give everything to make it real (sucks)....

July 27, 2010

the Perfect TAN

Smoking Hot Tan Body of: Catherine Mcneil!!!

July 22, 2010

Summer Sale !
Go here they Have really good staff I just love it this is only a piece!!
Girl on da´Spot!!

OMG this Girl really love d´attention? or only is her Style.
Cuz really a good girl not always become an ICON but a Rebel girl is always ICONIC
good luck with that!!!
Lindsay in GQ Germany @fashionising.

July 20, 2010

Da highschool_oldStyle!!!
I love oldStyle Especially how it used to be that highschool Style!!!
(that continues renewing da presents)
@Bruce Weber at tfs

Delicious Issue. What a Stylist amazing work!! love it

July 18, 2010


Saturday is da only corner of the week where I can have da last breath of the amazing weekend that I had and where I realize that is finish!!! Noooo
abdulsmith photography..

July 14, 2010

HappyBirthday2me... buuu
Today is my birthday an other year is gone NOOOOOO more oldest :(
(Cuz I need to confess I don´t like to have a birthday it´s kind of depressing 4me)but also is a new start_ So let party like a RockStar and Enjoy life

hope this year I can be more risky and live life to the fullest No More FEAR!!!!

YEAHiiii So lets start again a whole NEW YEAR all 4me!!!
A new year to spend with Family & Friends!!!

Soo Happybirthday 2me!!!
In every print there He is!!!

Guess who make this amazing astounding piece of art??? God take him to heaven!!
always is forever The King & Queen of the Fashion!!! (MCQueen)-(who else).
Masha Novoselova by Txema Yeste

July 12, 2010


Freaking but hottie all at the same that is what I just need!!!
Breaking In (please) come in!!!

July 9, 2010

Obsessed Shorts !!!!!!

How Smoking Hot are those pants????

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